Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My plan was to address my "gym" activity tonight-but I'm gonna pass-because I am SHOT-and-it's not pretty!  And-lazy....Had a struggle the last few days dealing with the stress of everyday life, I keep saying I have a lot on my plate, that's not saying we all don't, but currently-the plate is FULL and over loaded!  Then the work issue on top of that makes things interesting!  My wonderful friend Leslie brought a terrific and healthy lunch to my office today-thanks so much-and we talked about how I just have to get to the point again-yes AGAIN as I have been there before-where I go to the gym or to exercise for stress relief instead of Ben and Jerry's or Dr Pepper...So-I HAVE been getting to the gym.  BUT, I still have been falling back on the food too-nothing near what it was a month ago-but still old habits die hard.
The gym feels fantastic and is a huge release and I miss it and already feel the urge to be there more and more-but I still need to get a good three weeks or so under my belt before I start spouting off about how dedicated I am-I know I know-I would never do anything like that!  And...for tonight I will spare you the details of what it is like to run on the treadmill again with now a 400 pound ass as opposed to a 150 pound one-it's almost like there is something behind me trying to chase me when I am on there.  But no-it's actually just my ass.  Sweet.  Thanks for having the personal trainer station right behind my row of treadmills you miserable fucks who planned that one....And yes-I was telling my gym mate that I used to be the girl that would stop in quick to run a few miles in my sports bra and short shorts.  Hope the new girl that does that doesn't burn in hell when I see her there!  Oh God-it's bad friends!  BUT-I am doing it.....Changing a pattern-routine-life....
Will post more this weekend, after a few more gym visits, and after we see how I deal with making my dad a cake for his birthday.  Have thought about it all week-and don't care what in the hell he wants or likes-just keep thinking if I am going to splurge and throw out being healthy for 15 minutes-what do I want-who cares about the birthday boy!!!!!
Until then-think happy Hillary thoughts....

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